Agathe Chevalier
Scientific Coordinator, Universities of Western Switzerland – RTS
Agathe Chevalier has an M.Sc. in management and communication (EDHEC, France), a BA in psychology (Concordia U., Montreal) and an M.Sc. in fundamental neuroscience (McGill U., Montreal).
She served for a couple of years as communication and fundraising manager in a successful genetic sequencing startup, before establishing herself in Geneva. There she worked six years for Geneva University Hospitals (HUG), as a researcher specialized in patient information guidelines, with a specific focus on cancer screening. She then served as communication and partnership manager for the Geneva Breast Cancer Screening Foundation and initiated the Swiss breast cancer screening website.
Keen to open science to the general public, since 2010 Agathe serves as scientific coordinator between universities, Hautes Ecoles and Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) in Western Switzerland. She created and manages the website, which currently gathers over 13’500 interviews of 3’300 local researchers at RTS. She is co-investigator in a research project to develop an innovative web platform for the semantic, computational and qualitative analysis of media scientific content.