Matteo Manica

Research Staff Member, IBM Research
Portrait image of  Matteo Manica

Matteo is a Research Staff Member in Cognitive Health Care and Life Sciences at IBM Research Zürich. He's currently working on the development of multimodal deep learning models for drug discovery using chemical features and omic data. He also researches in multimodal learning techniques for the analysis of pediatric cancers in a H2020 EU project, iPC, with the aim of creating treatment models for patients. He received his degree in Mathematical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 2013. After getting his MSc he worked in a startup, Moxoff spa, as a software engineer and analyst for scientific computing. In 2019 he obtained his doctoral degree at the end of a joint PhD program between IBM Research and the Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, ETH Zürich, with a thesis on multimodal learning approaches for precision medicine.

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