Nour Ghalia Abassi

Business Leader and Data scientist at DigeHealth
Portrait image of  Nour Ghalia Abassi

Nour Ghalia Abassi is a Business Leader at DigeHealth and a Data Scientist with a specialized interest in sound recognition in gastro-enterology.

With an educational background focused on integrating AI into medtech.

With her team at DigeHealth, Nour has developed a medtech device designed to monitor patients with bowel disorders by recognizing, counting and categorizing bowel sounds. This innovation reflects Nour Ghalia’s commitment to applying data science to improve patient outcomes.

Her work in data science is directed towards creating a system capable of flagging anomalies. It aims to distinguish non-invasively between normal and abnormal bowel behaviors, underscoring her commitment to advancing non-intrusive diagnostic methods in healthcare.

AMLD / Global partners