Piotr Gawlowicz
Researcher, Technische Universität Berlin
Piotr Gawłowicz is a researcher at TKN Group at TU Berlin, Germany. He received his M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees in telecommunications from AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland in 2012 and 2014, respectively.
In the past, he visited Panasonic R&D Center Germany and Nokia R&D in Wrocław, Poland, where he worked on projects for future mobile networks and enhancements for LTE-A. Under the Google Summer of Code 2014 program, he contributed to the development of the ns-3 network simulator. At TKN, he has been involved in national and European research projects.
His research interests include coexistence and collaboration of heterogeneous wireless systems, cross-technology communication, and recently reinforcement learning in the networking area. He has extensive experience in simulating and prototyping of wireless solutions.