Portrait image of Martin Müller

Mr Müller has a long experience working at the interface between science, science policy and diplomacy. After an initial stay in academia and completing a doctoral degree in biomedical engineering, Mr Müller joined SwissCore – the Swiss Contact Office for Education, Research and Innovation (ERI) – in Brussels and worked at the interface of science, science policy and diplomacy, first as a research advisor and then as co-director. He joined GESDA in September 2019 as Executive Director of the Academic Forum where he coordinates the anticipatory input of the broader scientific community on a range of issues, such as the future of artificial intelligence, brain-inspired computing, genetic engineering or complex systems. 

AMLD Africa 2021 / Speakers

Walid Daou

AI Lead, OCP

Carolina Odman

Associate Professor, University of the Western Cape

Stefano Ermon

Assistant Professor, Stanford

Aisha Walcott-Bryant

Research Manager, IBM Research Africa

Karim Beguir

CEO and Co-Founder, InstaDeep

Tawfik Jelassi

Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information, UNESCO

AMLD / Global partners