Talk / Overview

"What is CrowdAI?" - Marcel Salathé

"Lessons Learned from the PlantVillage Disease Classification Challenge" André Panisson

"Leaf disease classification using resnet" Sasank Chilamkurthy

"Transfer Learning for Classification of Nighttime Images" Nguyen Minh Hieu

"Classification of night time images with resnet" Preetham Sreenivas

"Large scale machine learning for text understanding and computer vision" Armand Joulin

Talk / Speakers

Marcel Salathé

Professor, EPFL

Armand Joulin

Research scientist, Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research

André Panisson

Research Leader Data Science Lab, ISI Foundation

Sasank Chilamkurthy

AI Researcher & Founder,

Nguyen Minh Hieu

AMLD / Global partners