Portrait image of Soumith Chintala

Soumith Chintala is a Researcher at Facebook AI Research, where he works on deep learning, reinforcement learning, generative image models, agents for video games and large-scale high-performance deep learning. Prior to joining Facebook in August 2014, he worked at MuseAmi, where he built deep learning models for music and vision targeted at mobile devices. He holds a Masters in CS from NYU, and spent time in Yann LeCun’s NYU lab building deep learning models for pedestrian detection, natural image OCR, depth-images among others.

AMLD EPFL 2018 / Speakers

Christopher Bishop

Laboratory Director and Technical Fellow, Microsoft Research

Patrick Barbey

Director, Innovaud

Sharada Mohanty

CEO & Founder, AIcrowd

Joanna Bryson

Professor of Ethics and Technology, Hertie School of Governance Berlin

Martin Vetterli

President, EPFL

Sunil Mallya

Principal Deep Learning Scientist, AWS

AMLD / Global partners