Exhibitor / Overview

Data Science is becoming a critical skill for every company. In the next 10 years, McKinsey projects that over 70% of firms will adopt at least one type of Artificial Intelligence, and AI will add $13 trillion to global GDP.  As such, the most innovative companies are rapidly developing new capabilities in machine learning and data science.

Taught in Lausanne, Switzerland by Professors from EPFL, DSFM balances theory and solutions to quickly cover the most-important concepts and models in data science. You will learn in an interactive environment through a combination of lectures, demonstrations, case studies, visualizations, exercises, and applied projects. 

Perhaps most importantly, you will learn to separate AI-reality from AI-hype.

Exhibitor / Connect

AMLD EPFL 2022 / Exhibitors

dida Datenschmiede

The Experts in Machine Learning – Custom Workflow-Automation Software

Booth #17

EPFL Extension School

The EPFL Extension School exists to meet the growing needs in digital skills.

Booth #14


Empowering the digital future

Booth #18

AMLD / Global partners