Dr. Dimitri Papadimitriou started at Alcatel Corporate Research Center in 2000, where he worked on multi-layer traffic-engineering research. In 2003, he joined the Research Department dedicated to network distributed control and routing algorithmic. Between 2007 and 2017, he worked as Senior Researcher at Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs (Nokia Bell Labs since 2016) and currently in the Network Algorithmic Analytics Control and Security Research Lab. Since 2018, he works at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Antwerp, Belgium. His research interests include mathematics of machine learning, numerical optimization, and optimization under uncertainty. He authored numerous peer reviewed papers on distributed routing in complex systems, performance modeling and analysis, as well as network optimization. He led several EU FP7 research projects over last ten years including the first European-level project combining machine learning with communication networks.