Professor in Sociology of Education and Work at KU Leuven and Université Saint-Louis Brussels. Head of Research on Education and Labour Market, HIVA KU Leuven.
Ludo Struyven is founder of Dynam, a unique partnership with the National Office of Social Security and the three regional departments (www.dynamstat.be). Dynam maps out the labour market dynamics and labour mobility in Belgium, making use of linked employer-employee data based on firm-level microdata.
In the field of public employment services, he recently contributed to the renewal of the implementation research on the activation of job seekers, on the (re)positioning of public and private employment services, and on the use of AI-based profiling models in public employment services. In this respect, he was involved in a state of the art on the usefulness, model accuracy and legitimacy of several types of profiling (rule-based, caseworker-based, statistical, AI based) throughout the OECD. This resulted in a OECD Working Paper (2019) and a OECD Policy Brief on Activation Policies (December 2018), and other publications on this topic will follow.