Roche is a global pioneer in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics focused on advancing science to improve people’s lives. The combined strengths of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics under one roof have made Roche the leader in personalised healthcare – a strategy that aims to fit the right treatment to each patient in the best way possible.
Every person is unique. Understanding what makes people different – genetics, environment, lifestyle – is central to shifting the focus of healthcare from treating diseases to delivering the best care for each person throughout their lives. This is the promise of personalised healthcare.
Advances in science, data, analytics, computation, and digital technology enable us to understand the factors that affect each person’s health with more clarity than ever before. With this knowledge, we can improve care at every stage – from keeping people well, to detecting and diagnosing illness early, to providing the right medicines at the right time, to monitoring disease progression and treatment outcomes in real time. Improving the entire care journey will transform outcomes for patients and allow health systems to use resources more efficiently and effectively.
At Roche, we are partnering across the industry to make personalised healthcare a reality. Join us at AMLD 2022 to find out more."