Daniel Schnurr is head of the research group Data Policies at the University of Passau. He received his Ph.D. in Information Systems from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in 2016, where he previously studied Information Engineering and Management (B.Sc. & M.Sc.). Daniel Schnurr has published in leading scholarly journals on Information Systems and Economics such as Management Science and Journal of Industrial Economics. As an academic consultant, he has contributed to high-profile policy reports on digital markets. He is currently a Research Fellow of the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE), a Brussels-based think tank.
Daniel Schnurr pursues an interdisciplinary research approach at the intersection of technology, economics and policy. His current research focuses on the rules and institutions that govern firms' and consumers' access to data. In particular, he analyzes the strategic and economic implications of firms' data sharing and investigates regulatory rules that can remedy data-driven market power. Moreover, he is interested in consumers' behavior and decision-making in privacy contexts as well as competition and cooperation between human and artificial intelligence in digital markets.