Florian Kennel-Maushart is a PhD student at the Computational Robotics Lab of Prof. Stelian Coros at ETHZ, which he joined in the summer of 2020.
He received his Bachelor's degree in Microtechnical Engineering from EPFL in 2013. After an exchange master thesis at the University of Pennsylvania in the Vijay Kumar Lab, he got his Master's Degree in Microtechnical Engineering with a specialization in Robotics and Automation from EPFL in 2017. From 2017 to late 2019, he was a co-founder and the CTO of now-defunct AR start-up and ETH spin-off RosieReality.
Florian's research interests are centred on Human-Robot Interaction, especially for multi-robot systems with applications to construction and assembly tasks. He works with VR/AR/MR interfaces to facilitate the communication between humans and robots. At the core of his research lies the question of how to use both human intuition and robotic precision and strength to improve human-robot collaboration and make robotic systems intuitive and easy to use.