Dr. Gerald Friedland is CTO and founder of Brainome Inc and also teaching as an adjunct professor at the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences department at the University of California, Berkeley. Prior to that he held posts as Principal Data Scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Labs and also as Director of Audio and Multimedia research at the International Computer Science Institute. He is the lead figure behind the Multimedia Commons initiative, a collection of 100M images and 1M videos for research and has published more than 200 peer-reviewed articles in conferences, journals, and books. He also co-authored a 3 books, including a textbook on Multimedia Computing with Cambridge University Press and built MOVI, a cloud-less speech recognition shield for Arduino. Dr. Friedland received his doctorate (summa cum laude) and master's degree in computer science from Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany, in 2002 and 2006, respectively.