Startup / Overview

Metadvice is distilling complex disease treatment and outcome data into actionable insights shared by the clinicians and the patients, assisting pharmaceutical companies with real world evidence. The clinical knowledge engine, powered by neural network technology, sources data and insights from a growing global network of leading practitioners. 

Our focus is on deep analysis that embraces the true complexity of co-morbid diseases. We take precision medicine and longevity to the next level!

Startup / Connect

AMLD EPFL 2022 / Program

AIcrowd SA

We crowdsource AI to solve real world problems

Monday, March 28

E-nno Switzerland SA

The Swiss expert in data-driven solutions enabling swift and extensive improvements to the energy efficiency of the world’s building stock.

Monday, March 28

IDUN Technologies AG

We are building the Internet of Humans, using our brain-computer interface earbuds and artificial intelligence technologies to improve digital products and services using the power of the human brain.

Monday, March 28

AMLD / Global partners