Startup / Overview

Based in Grenoble and mainly composed of engineers and doctors in artificial intelligence, the company was founded in 2014 by three engineers in applied mathematics from Ensimag. Expert in algorithms and data science, the company is specialized in machine learning, deep learning and image analysis applications.

Neovision constantly monitors the latest advances (scientific publications, open source software, databases, etc.) and invests in R&D on promising topics, in order to provide its customers with high-performance, state-of-the-art innovations.

In addition, Neovision is particularly sensitive to ethical issues. Neovision federates its team around strong and common values in order to positively influence its environment (see Neovision's ethical charter).

Through its service offers, Neovision supports you in integrating AI into your company by relying on an efficient and proven methodology.
In addition to its customized training offer, Neovision will help you define your AI strategy, and then design and validate the best AI solution for you. Finally, Neovision develops and industrializes the solution to facilitate its deployment and generate a real ROI.

Capitalizing on its experience and recognized expertise in computer vision, Neovision offers mature and ready-to-deploy technologies for image recognition, OCR and activity characterization.
In addition, it also offers you data analysis software tools. Coupled with Neovision's expert support, they will help you considerably analyze your data and accelerate your AI projects.

Startup / Connect

AMLD EPFL 2022 / Program

AIcrowd SA

We crowdsource AI to solve real world problems

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E-nno Switzerland SA

The Swiss expert in data-driven solutions enabling swift and extensive improvements to the energy efficiency of the world’s building stock.

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IDUN Technologies AG

We are building the Internet of Humans, using our brain-computer interface earbuds and artificial intelligence technologies to improve digital products and services using the power of the human brain.

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AMLD / Global partners