Portrait image of Grant van Horn

Grant Van Horn recently completed his PhD in Computer Science at Caltech, advised by Pietro Perona. His research focuses on dataset collection, computer vision model development, and application deployment for fine-grained visual classification tasks. He has converted his graduate research work into two mobile apps, Merlin Bird ID and iNaturalist, that assist users in identifying wildlife. Prior to Caltech, Grant completed his MS in Computer Science at UCSD, advised by Serge Belongie.

AMLD EPFL 2019 / Speakers

Christopher Bishop

Laboratory Director and Technical Fellow, Microsoft Research

Carmela Troncoso

Professor, EPFL

Jakob Uszkoreit

Co-founder, Inceptive

Garry Kasparov

Chess Grandmaster, Chairman of the Human Rights Foundation

Patrick Barbey

Director, Innovaud

Sharada Mohanty

CEO & Founder, AIcrowd

AMLD / Global partners