Huanxiang Lu is the Brain Atlasing Lead in the Neuroinformatics Division.
Huanxiang focuses on the architecting and implementation of data atlasing software components. He coordinates, devises and oversees scientific and technical implementation of the data atlasing roadmap and related activities. He support other sections on the topic of data atlasing and adoption of data atlasing technology.
Before joining Blue Brain, he led a research group on image-guided therapy for soft tissue in the ARTORG Center in Bern, focusing on bringing cutting-edge technologies into clinics and coordinating an EU project on image-guided laparoscopic surgery across multiple centers in Sweden, Germany and Switzerland. Prior to this after completing his PhD, he worked as a research scientist at Philips Research, leading a research project on MR brain imaging optimization based on data analytics.
Huanxiang has a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Bern, Switzerland. In addition, he has an MSc in Mathematics and Informatics from the University of Paris Descartes, France and BSc in Physics, from the East China Normal University, China.