Portrait image of Piotr Mirowski

Piotr Mirowski is a Senior Research Scientist working in the Deep Learning department at DeepMind, focusing on navigation-related research and in scaling up agents to real world environments. Piotr studied computer science in France (ENSEEIHT, Toulouse) and obtained his PhD in computer science in 2011 at New York University, with a thesis on “Time Series Modeling with Hidden Variables and Gradient-based Algorithms” supervised by Prof. Yann LeCun (Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2011). Prior to joining DeepMind, Piotr worked at Schlumberger Research, at the NYU Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, at Bell Labs and at Microsoft Bing, on problems including geostatistics, geological image processing, epileptic seizure prediction from EEG, WiFi-based geolocalisation, robotics, NLP and search query auto-completion. In his spare time, Piotr performs theatre and improv, with or without robots on the stage, and investigates the use of AI for artistic human and machine-based co-creation.

AMLD EPFL 2019 / Speakers

Christopher Bishop

Laboratory Director and Technical Fellow, Microsoft Research

Carmela Troncoso

Professor, EPFL

Jakob Uszkoreit

Co-founder, Inceptive

Garry Kasparov

Chess Grandmaster, Chairman of the Human Rights Foundation

Patrick Barbey

Director, Innovaud

Sharada Mohanty

CEO & Founder, AIcrowd

AMLD / Global partners