Portrait image of Sarvenaz Choobdar

Sarvenaz joined CBG in June 2015 to work on biological data. I received my PhD from University of Porto in March 2015 in computer science. I studied gene co-expression networks to find groups of differentially connected genes as network motif across multiple types of cancer. I am now more focused on understanding disease biomarkers and genetic variants by the help of studying biological networks structure.

AMLD EPFL 2019 / Speakers

Christopher Bishop

Laboratory Director and Technical Fellow, Microsoft Research

Carmela Troncoso

Professor, EPFL

Jakob Uszkoreit

Co-founder, Inceptive

Garry Kasparov

Chess Grandmaster, Chairman of the Human Rights Foundation

Patrick Barbey

Director, Innovaud

Sharada Mohanty

CEO & Founder, AIcrowd

AMLD / Global partners