Shin Koseki is an assistant professor at the School of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture of the Faculty of Environmental Design, the director and the chairholder of the UNESCO Chair in Urban Landscape. Trained in architecture and urban planning in Canada and Switzerland, he is interested in the integration of new technologies in planning practices, the contribution of interactive democracy to the sustainable development of territories, and the role of public space in the acquisition of knowledge and skills. His research interests include the application of artificial intelligence systems in urban design, new processes of environmental and technological governance, and urban and rural school success and failure.
Recently, Shin has been involved in legislative and constitutional processes, as a scientific observer for the Citizens’ Climate Convention and as a scientific advisor for the establishment of a national debate on agriculture in France. He has worked closely with the French Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports, the National Commission for Public Debate, the Braillard Architect Foundation, and the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In 2016, Shin co-founded the research rhizome Chôros, an international organization that generates scientific and operational thinking on interactive democracy, spatial justice, environment and urban quality.
Shin Koseki has conducted research at the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and Zurich (ETH Zurich), the University of Oxford (Oxon.), the National University of Singapore (NUS), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the University of Zurich (UZH) and the Max Planck Institute for Art and Architecture History (Bibliotheca Hertziana). Back in his hometown of Montreal, he works with his students on the revitalization and renaturalization of the St. Lawrence River and on improving the quality of life of the communities that live there.