Track / Overview

The role of Machine Learning (ML) in imaging is becoming increasingly prominent. Benefiting from the generation of ever-larger datasets, incorporating ML into imaging paradigms is full of promises: enabling better reconstructions and easier quantitative analysis; performing faster and higher-resolution imaging; maintaining image quality while taking fewer measurements; using imaging data for personalized applications; and so on.

In this track, we'll discuss the key ML trends emerging in various imaging fields, from computer vision to medical imaging or autonomous driving --- and many others. Through a series of high-level thematic talks, our aim is to highlight the principal challenges and opportunities ahead for ML in imaging.

Track / Schedule

Introduction: AI & Imaging

With Sabine Süsstrunk

Learning to understand and manipulate: Recent results in video understanding and robotics manipulation

With Cordelia Schmid

On Bayesian models with networks for reconstruction and detection

With Ender Konukoglu

Break & Poster Session

Machine learning applied in public service media archives

With Léonard Bouchet

Machine Learning for Bioimage Informatics: Successes, Challenges, and Perspectives

With Virginie Uhlmann

ML and Rail: Opportunities and Challenges

With Carlos Becker

Track / Speakers

Sabine Süsstrunk

Professor, EPFL

Léonard Bouchet

Head of Data and Archives, RTS Radio Télévision Suisse

Virginie Uhlmann

Research group Leader, EMBL-EBI

Carlos Becker

Director of AI Engineering, Invision AI

Ender Konukoglu

Professor, ETH Zurich

Cordelia Schmid

INRIA Research Director, THOTH Grenoble

Track / Co-organizers

Laurène Donati

Coordination, Imaging @ EPFL

Sabine Süsstrunk

Professor, EPFL

Radhakrishna Achanta

Senior Scientist, Swiss Data Science Center (ETH Zürich/EPFL)

Daniel Sage

Coordination, Imaging, EPFL

Mathieu Salzmann

Senior Researcher, EPFL

AMLD EPFL 2020 / Tracks & talks

AI & Nutrition

Marinka Zitnik, Marcel Salathé, Fabio Mainardi, Tome Eftimov, Barbara Koroušić Seljak, Nives Ogrinc, Aleksandra Kovachev

13:30-17:00 January 282A

AI & Policy

Joanna Bryson, Sofia Olhede, Emanuele Baldacci, Sabrina Kirrane, Bruno Lepri, Dennis Diefenbach, Ioannis Kaloskampis, Benoît Otjacques, Steve MacFeely, Christina Corbane

13:30-17:30 January 272A

Challenge Track

Danny Lange, Sunil Mallya, Marcel Salathé, Florian Laurent, Erik Nygren, Sharada Mohanty, Parth Kothari, Navid Rekabsaz, Wilhelmina Welsch, Ewan Oglethorpe, Nicholas Jones, Gokula Krishnan, Jeremy Watson, Andrew Melnik

13:30-17:00 January 284A

AMLD / Global partners