Foutse Khomh is a Full Professor of Software Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal, Canada CIFAR AI Chair on Trustworthy Machine Learning Software Systems at Mila - Quebec AI Institute, and FRQ-IVADO Research Chair on Software Quality Assurance for Machine Learning Applications.
He received a Ph.D. in Software Engineering from the University of Montreal in 2011, with the Award of Excellence. He also received a CS-Can/Info-Can Outstanding Young Computer Science Researcher Prize for 2019– Canada’s highest accolade for an early career academic in Computing.
His research interests include software maintenance and evolution, machine learning systems engineering, cloud engineering, and dependable and trustworthy ML/AI.
His work has received four 10-Year Most Influential Paper Awards and six Best/Distinguished Paper Awards.
He has served on the program committees of several international conferences including ICSE, FSE, ASE, ICSM(E), SANER, MSR, and has reviewed for multiple top international journals in SE and AI, including EMSE, TSC, TPAMI, TSE and TOSEM.
He also served on the steering committee of SANER (chair), MSR, PROMISE, ICPC (chair), and ICSME (vice-chair). He initiated and co-organized the Software Engineering for Machine Learning Applications (SEMLA) symposium and the RELENG (Release Engineering) workshop series.
He is on the editorial board of multiple international software engineering journals (e.g., IEEE Software, EMSE, JSEP) and is a Senior Member of IEEE.