POTs: The Revolution will not be Optimized
With Rebekah Overdorf
"Society in the loop" shaping responsive cities, creating a commons information patrimony
With Matteo Mazzeri
What are the effects of digitization and machine learning on society? It appears that no individual, group, institution, or process will remain unaffected but when, how, and to what degree they are transformed is subject to intense debate. This track combines two contributed presentations, highlighting the impact of optimization and the role of information commons, with two keynotes offering philosophical and sociological perspectives.
With Rebekah Overdorf
With Matteo Mazzeri
Sunil Mallya, Elaine Nsoesie, Asif Jan, Gloria Macia, Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Tomas Dikk, Gabriel Krummenacher, Wojciech Samek, Thomas Hugle, Ali Oskooei, Eirini Arvaniti, Matthias Kämpf, Michael Tangermann, David Hübner, Valeria De Luca
09:00-12:30 January 295ABC