Track / Schedule

Predicting for the Adaptive Transport system

With Francisco Pereira

Cross-domain street scene semantic segmentation

With Matthieu Cord

The challenge of Cooperative Autonomous Driving

With Arnaud de La Fortelle

Coffe Break

Bayesian inference to learn and predict road user behaviours

With Julian Kooij

Beyond Supervised Driving

With Adrien Gaidon

Racing with Deep Reinforcement Learning

With Sunil Mallya

Pratical Project: Integrating Vehicle Routing and Resource Allocation in a Pharmaceutical Network

With Roxanne Tison

Online recognition of elevator-specific user activity context using mobile phone sensor data

With Alberto Chiappa

Walking in a world with self-driving cars?

With Mark Meeder

Multi Agent reinforcement learning for train dispatching

With Erik Nygren & Adrian Egli

Track / Speakers

Sunil Mallya

Principal Deep Learning Scientist, AWS

Erik Nygren

Product Manager Analytics, SBB

Francisco Pereira

Professor, DTU

Matthieu Cord

Professor, Sorbonne University

Arnaud de La Fortelle

Professor, Mines ParisTech

Julian Kooij

Professor, TU Delft

Adrien Gaidon

Machine Learning Lead, Toyota Research Institute

Roxanne Tison

Project Engineer, ProcSim

Alberto Chiappa

Engineer, Schindler

Mark Meeder

Lecturer, ETH Zurich

Adrian Egli

High Performance Computing and Machine Intelligence Research, SBB CFF FFS

Track / Co-organizers

Alexandre Alahi

Professor, EPFL

Michel Bierlaire

Professor, EPFL

AMLD EPFL 2019 / Tracks & talks

AI & Health

Sunil Mallya, Elaine Nsoesie, Asif Jan, Gloria Macia, Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Tomas Dikk, Gabriel Krummenacher, Wojciech Samek, Thomas Hugle, Ali Oskooei, Eirini Arvaniti, Matthias Kämpf, Michael Tangermann, David Hübner, Valeria De Luca

09:00-12:30 January 295ABC

AI & Language

Jakob Uszkoreit, Nicolas Perony, Andrei Popescu-Belis, Lars Maaløe, Vered Shwartz, Hrant Khachatrian, Christian Reisswig, João Graça, Michele Sama, Richard Zens, Joern Wuebker, Ines Montani

13:30-17:00 January 285ABC

AI & Transport

Sunil Mallya, Erik Nygren, Francisco Pereira, Matthieu Cord, Arnaud de La Fortelle, Julian Kooij, Adrien Gaidon, Roxanne Tison, Alberto Chiappa, Mark Meeder, Adrian Egli

09:00-12:30 January 293A

AMLD / Global partners