Track / Overview

The focus of this track is on applying machine learning to help address climate change, encompassing both mitigation (reducing the severity of climate change) and adaptation (preparing for unavoidable consequences).

Specifically, the aim is to:

  • Showcase high-impact applications of machine learning to climate change mitigation and adaptation. 
  • Provide a platform to connect researchers and entrepreneurs who are working in this space. 
  • Inspire a discussion about challenges and opportunities for machine learning to have an impact on climate action. 

Application domains involved in climate change mitigation include energy, transportation, buildings, industry, land use, and CO2 removal, while those for adaptation include climate modeling, extreme event prediction/response, and resilience to societal impacts. We also consider applications of machine learning to policy analysis, tools for individual action, education, and finance.

Track / Schedule

Introducing Climate Change AI, the conference track, and overview of posters

With Lynn Kaack & Nikola Milojevic-Dupont

A direct approach to detection and attribution of climate change

With Eniko Székely

Predicting Rare Events in Climate Science

With Soon Hoe Lim

Monitoring Climate Change at the Edge of the Cloud

With Matthias Meyer

Monitoring the built environment for urban resilience planning

With Nicholas Jones

Mapping urban temperature using crowd-sensing data and machine learning

With Marius Zumwald


Data Science for Resilient and Healthier Urban Networks.

With Marta Gonzalez

Tracking the Connections Between Public Health and Climate Change

With Slava Jankin

Machine learning for systematically mapping the climate change literature

With Max Callaghan

Understanding the Politics of Climate Change with AI and Machine Learning

With Liam F. Beiser-McGrath

Closing Remarks Day 1

With Lynn Kaack

Estimation of marginal carbon emissions in electricity networks using electricityMap

With Olivier Corradi

Quantifying the Carbon Footprint of Mobility from Telcom Data

With Mohamed Kafsi

Scaling Natural Climate Solutions with Machine Learning

With David Dao

The role of buildings to mitigate climate change

With Emmanouil Thrampoulidis & Kristina Orehounig

Roof Age Determination for the Automated Site-Selection of Rooftop Solar

With Chris Heinrich

Predicting the Solar Potential of Rooftops using Image Segmentation and Structured Data

With Daniel de Barros Soares


Co-developing applications: Lessons from partnerships

With Buffy Price

Leveraging ML for sustainable urbanization

With Felix Creutzig

Panel Discussion

With Felix Creutzig, Buffy Price, Olivier Corradi, Liam F. Beiser-McGrath, Eniko Székely & Kristina Orehounig

Track / Speakers

Lynn Kaack

Postdoctoral Researcher, ETH Zurich

Nikola Milojevic-Dupont

PhD Candidate, MCC Berlin

Nicholas Jones

Data Scientist, World Bank / GFDRR

Felix Creutzig

Head of Group, MCC Berlin & Chair, Technische Universität Berlin

Buffy Price

AI for Good Partnerships Manager, Element AI

Slava Jankin

Director, Hertie School Data Science Lab - Professor, Hertie School

Olivier Corradi

Founder, Tomorrow

Liam F. Beiser-McGrath

Senior Researcher, ETH Zurich

Marius Zumwald

Doctoral Student, ETH Zurich

Eniko Székely

Senior Data Scientist, Swiss Data Science Center (ETH Zürich/EPFL)

Max Callaghan

PhD Student, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, Berlin, Germany

Soon Hoe Lim

WINQ Fellow and incoming Assistant Professor, Nordita

Mohamed Kafsi

Co-organizer of AMLD Africa

Daniel de Barros Soares

Data Scientist, nam.R

Matthias Meyer

Doctoral Student, ETH Zurich

Chris Heinrich

Co-Founder, Qrithm

Emmanouil Thrampoulidis

Temporary Scientific Employee, Urban Energy Systems Laboratory, Empa

Marta Gonzalez

Associate Professor, University of California Berkeley

Kristina Orehounig

Head of Laboratory, Urban Energy Systems, Empa

David Dao

PhD Student, ETH Zurich

Bibek Paudel

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Stanford University

Track / Co-organizers

Lynn Kaack

Postdoctoral Researcher, ETH Zurich

Nikola Milojevic-Dupont

PhD Candidate, MCC Berlin

AMLD EPFL 2020 / Tracks & talks

AI & Nutrition

Marinka Zitnik, Marcel Salathé, Fabio Mainardi, Tome Eftimov, Barbara Koroušić Seljak, Nives Ogrinc, Aleksandra Kovachev

13:30-17:00 January 282A

AI & Policy

Joanna Bryson, Sofia Olhede, Emanuele Baldacci, Sabrina Kirrane, Bruno Lepri, Dennis Diefenbach, Ioannis Kaloskampis, Benoît Otjacques, Steve MacFeely, Christina Corbane

13:30-17:30 January 272A

Challenge Track

Danny Lange, Sunil Mallya, Marcel Salathé, Florian Laurent, Erik Nygren, Sharada Mohanty, Parth Kothari, Navid Rekabsaz, Wilhelmina Welsch, Ewan Oglethorpe, Nicholas Jones, Gokula Krishnan, Jeremy Watson, Andrew Melnik

13:30-17:00 January 284A

AMLD / Global partners