Track / Overview

Tools based on artificial intelligence are increasingly used in the implementation of social policies. On the positive side, some of these tools promise greater effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of policies such as unemployment insurance or social assistance. Examples of such instruments include profiling tools that are used to segment jobseekers according to their needs in terms of re-employment services, or tools that automatize eligibility decisions on the basis of available administrative data.

On a more negative side, some of these tools have been criticized in terms of lack of accountability, risk to stigmatize disadvantaged populations and lack of transparency. In this track will first be presented the current state of affairs in AI and social policy. We will then discuss selected examples and assess their potentials and risks.

Track / Schedule

Artificial intelligence in government services across the globe

With Uma Rani

The profiling system of the unemployment insurance in the Flanders

With Ludo Struyven

Using machine learning to optimize geographic allocation and integration of refugees

With Dominik Hangartner


The Dutch 'System Risk Indication' (SyRI) - profiling citizens in a welfare state

With Ronald Huissen

Experiences with AI in the administration of public services in the United Kingdom

With Tom Symons

Track / Speakers

Ronald Huissen

Journalist, Dutch Platform for Civil Rights Protection

Tom Symons

Head of Government Innovation Research, Nesta

Dominik Hangartner

Associate Professor, ETH Zurich

Ludo Struyven

Professor, KU Leuven

Uma Rani

Senior Economist, International Labour Organisation

Track / Co-organizers

Giuliano Bonoli

Professor, IDHEAP, UNIL

Carlo Knotz

SNSF Postdoctoral Researcher, IDHEAP, Université de Lausanne

AMLD EPFL 2020 / Tracks & talks

AI & Nutrition

Marinka Zitnik, Marcel Salathé, Fabio Mainardi, Tome Eftimov, Barbara Koroušić Seljak, Nives Ogrinc, Aleksandra Kovachev

13:30-17:00 January 282A

AI & Policy

Joanna Bryson, Sofia Olhede, Emanuele Baldacci, Sabrina Kirrane, Bruno Lepri, Dennis Diefenbach, Ioannis Kaloskampis, Benoît Otjacques, Steve MacFeely, Christina Corbane

13:30-17:30 January 272A

Challenge Track

Danny Lange, Sunil Mallya, Marcel Salathé, Florian Laurent, Erik Nygren, Sharada Mohanty, Parth Kothari, Navid Rekabsaz, Wilhelmina Welsch, Ewan Oglethorpe, Nicholas Jones, Gokula Krishnan, Jeremy Watson, Andrew Melnik

13:30-17:00 January 284A

AMLD / Global partners