Track / Overview

This two-day Open Track will bring together the PhD students and postdocs working on collaborative research projects between academia and Microsoft via the Swiss
Joint Research Center, MixedReality & AI Zurich Lab, Mixed Reality & AI Cambridge Lab, and Inria Joint Center, their academic and Microsoft supervisors, as
well as the wider research community. This Open Track continues in the tradition of the annual Swiss JRC Workshops where researchers will provide project updates and discuss their research with their supervisors and other attendants. The agenda will be complemented by guest talks from industry on relevant product developments and technologies. The two-day open track will include March 29th – AI (non-Computer Vision), Confidential Computing, Health, Cloud, Systems and March 30th – Computer Vision and Mixed Reality.

Track / Schedule


With Scarlet Schwiderski-Grosche

Confidential Computing Research at Microsoft Research

With Cedric Fournet

Building Datacenter Applications with Latency and Confidentiality Guarantees

With Marios Kogias & Adrien Ghosn

Invariant Federated Learning: Decentralized Training of Robust Privacy-Preserving Models

With Valentin Hartmann


Securing Cloud Deployments for the International Committee of the Red Cross

With Ivan Puddu

Fundamentally Understanding and Solving RowHammer

With Onur Mutlu

Enhancing EDA Tools to Detect Microarchitectural Vulnerabilities

Understanding the Security of Probabilistic Data Structures under Adversarial Conditions

With Mia Filić

Welcome to Afternoon Session

With Max Welling

Reading and Writing Protein Function Using Multi-dimensional Surface Representations

With Bruno Correia

Continuous-space Neural-network Quantum States

With Jannes Nys

Generation of a Large Synthetic Dataset for Learning Physics-based Optimal Inference of 4D flow MRI

With Pietro Dirix

Learning Task Specifications for Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback

With David Lindner


Building Machine Learning Systems in the Era of Data-centric AI

Population-scale Dietary Interests During the COVID-19 Pandemic

With Kristina Gligorić

Circuits for Efficient Quantum State Preparation

With Niels Gleinig

Photonic Integrated Multi-Wavelength Sources for Data Centers

With Arslan Sajid


With Scarlet Schwiderski-Grosche

Track / Speakers

Bruno Correia

Tenure Track Assistant Professor, EPFL

Kristina Gligorić

Phd Student, EPFL

Max Welling

Distinguished Scientist, Microsoft Research

David Lindner

Doctoral Student, ETH Zurich

Mia Filić

Doctoral Student, ETH Zurich

Pietro Dirix

PhD Student, ETH Zurich

Scarlet Schwiderski-Grosche

Director, Microsoft Research

Valentin Hartmann

PhD Student, EPFL

Cedric Fournet

Sr Principal Research Manager, Microsoft Research

Marios Kogias

Researcher, Microsoft

Onur Mutlu

Professor, ETH Zurich

Niels Gleinig

PhD Student, ETH Zurich

Arslan Sajid

PhD Student, EPFL (LPQM)

Jannes Nys

Post-doctoral researcher, EPFL

Ivan Puddu

PhD Student, ETHZ

Adrien Ghosn

Researcher, MSR Cambridge

Track / Co-organizers

Scarlet Schwiderski-Grosche

Director, Microsoft Research

AMLD EPFL 2022 / Tracks & talks

AMLD Keynote Session – Monday morning

Marcel Salathé, Lenka Zdeborová, Carmela Troncoso, Chiara Enderle, Patrick Barbey, Thomas Wolf, Gunther Jansen, Laure Willemin, Simon Hefti, Arthur Gassner

10:00-12:00 March 28Auditorium A

AI & Physics

Francesca Mignacco, Gert-Jan Both, Michael Unser, Thomas Asikis, Dalila Salamani, Pietro Rotondo, Tom Beucler, Giulio Biroli

12:30-18:00 March 285BC

AI & Pharma

Asif Jan, Jonas Richiardi, Patrick Schwab, Naghmeh Ghazaleh, Alexander Büsser, Carlos Ciller, Caibin Sheng, Silvia Zaoli, Félix Balazard, Giulia Capestro, Marianna Rapsomaniki, Martijn van Attekum

13:30-17:30 March 281BC

AMLD / Global partners