Track / Overview

The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on business models across various sectors challenges traditional Intellectual Property (IP) legal notions like originality, creator, author, or inventiveness. Who owns the data required to train machine learning algorithms?

In case things go wrong, will the courts believe me or will they trust the algorithms? What do authorship and originality mean in AI? How to describe an AI-related invention in a disclosure report to your university or company to file a patent application?

Can AI invent, and can those inventions be patented? This track features speakers from academia and industry to explore those questions and share best practices on the IP framework around AI.

Track / Schedule


AI and your data: who owns the data, what if things go wrong, GDPR and AI

With Michel Jaccard

AI and copyright: computer-generated works, authorship and originality in AI

With Ana Andrijevic

European Patent Office practice regarding AI

With Bastian Best & Patrick Heckeler

Coffee Break

Drafting the perfect invention disclosure report for an AI invention

With Patrick Heckeler & Bastian Best

Patentability of the inventions of AI

With Ana Ramalho


With Ana Andrijevic, Michel Jaccard, Ana Ramalho, Patrick Heckeler & Bastian Best

Track / Speakers

Ana Andrijevic

Researcher, University of Geneva

Bastian Best

Patent Attorney, Bardehle Pagenberg

Patrick Heckeler

Patent Attorney, Bardehle Pagenberg

Ana Ramalho

Professor, Maastricht University

Michel Jaccard

Founder & Partner, id est avocats

Track / Co-organizers

Fréderic Pont

Technology Transfer Manager, EPFL

AMLD EPFL 2019 / Tracks & talks

AI & Health

Sunil Mallya, Elaine Nsoesie, Asif Jan, Gloria Macia, Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Tomas Dikk, Gabriel Krummenacher, Wojciech Samek, Thomas Hugle, Ali Oskooei, Eirini Arvaniti, Matthias Kämpf, Michael Tangermann, David Hübner, Valeria De Luca

09:00-12:30 January 295ABC

AI & Language

Jakob Uszkoreit, Nicolas Perony, Andrei Popescu-Belis, Lars Maaløe, Vered Shwartz, Hrant Khachatrian, Christian Reisswig, João Graça, Michele Sama, Richard Zens, Joern Wuebker, Ines Montani

13:30-17:00 January 285ABC

AI & Transport

Sunil Mallya, Erik Nygren, Francisco Pereira, Matthieu Cord, Arnaud de La Fortelle, Julian Kooij, Adrien Gaidon, Roxanne Tison, Alberto Chiappa, Mark Meeder, Adrian Egli

09:00-12:30 January 293A

AMLD / Global partners