Nicolas Mériel has gathered over 20 years of online experience and has worked as interactive marketing manager at eCommerce service provider GSI Commerce (now eBay Enterprise). Nicolas then joined Omniture (now Adobe) in the role of team lead Test&Target EMEA. In 2012, Nicolas joined Swisscom, Switzerland’s leading telecom provider, as Senior Digital Strategist. As a photographer and author, Nicolas had the pleasure to co-publish in 2020 the award winning "Flamboyant Flowers" tear-off calendar together with Berlin based Seltmann Publishers. Together with the AI agency Birds on Mars from Berlin, Mériel is also co-founder and initiator of the AI/ART joint-venture project GANs&Roses which explore how artificial flowers can be produced with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) based on a specially bred and curated training set of about 10,000 flowers.