Patrizia Catellani is full professor of Food and Lifestyles, Political Psychology, and Social Psychology at the Catholic University of Milan, Italy. She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Social Survey (ESS), the International Panel on Behavior Change (IPBC), and the Review College of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO). Her research activity is focused on reasoning, decision making, and communication in social and political contexts. One of her research interests regards how to make food and health communication more effective, to promote healthy and sustainable choices among consumers. A recent extension of this line of research has been investigating the integration between social psychology and artificial intelligence. The goal is to develop digital communication systems that use personalized framing to promote health, well-being, and sustainability. Through quick profiling, optimal communication strategies are identified for changing behaviors, respecting the resources and motivations of individuals. She is the author of about one hundred publications, including journal articles and books.