Walter Quattrociocchi is Associate Professor at Sapienza University of Rome where he leads the Center of Data Science and Complexity for Society (CDCS.
His research interests include data science, network science, cognitive science, and data-driven modeling of dynamic processes in complex networks. His activity focuses on the data-driven modeling of social dynamics such as (mis)information spreading and the emergence of collective phenomena.
Dr Quattrociocchi has published extensively in peer reviewed conferences and journals including PNAS. The results of his research in misinformation spreading have informed the Global Risk Report 2016 and 2017 of the World Economic Forum and have been covered extensively by international media including Scientific American, New Scientist, The Economist, The Guardian, New York Times, Washington Post, Bloomberg, Fortune, Poynter and The Atlantic). He published two books: “Misinformation. Guida alla società dell’informazione e della credulità” (Franco Angeli) and “Liberi di Crederci. Informazione, Internet e Post Verità” with Codice Edizioni for the dissemination of his results.
In 2017 Dr Quattrociocchi was the coordinator of the round table on Fake News and the role of Universities and Research to contrast fake news chaired by the President of Italy's Chamber of Deputies Mrs Laura Boldrini. Since 2018 he is Scientific Advisor of the Italian Communication Authority (AGCOM) and currently Member of the Task Force to contrast Hate Speech nomianted by the Minister of Innovation.
Professor Quattrociocchi is regularly invited for keynote speeches and guest lectures at major academic and other organizations, having presented among others at CERN, European Commission, the University of Cambridge, Network Science Institute, Global Security Forum etc.