Carmela Troncoso

Professor, EPFL

Rüdiger Urbanke

Professor, EPFL

Antoine Bosselut

Professor, EPFL

Nigam Shah

Professor, Stanford University

Daniel Rock

Professor, University of Pennsylvania

Jonathan Frankle

Chief Scientist, MosaicML

Josie Hughes

Professor, EPFL

Sabine Süsstrunk

Professor, EPFL

Dragoș Tudorache

Member of European Parliament

Kyunghyun Cho

Professor, New York University

Evelina Fedorenko

Professor, MIT

Angela Fan

Research Scientist, Meta AI Research

Edward Grefenstette

Director of Research, Google DeepMind

Gaétan de Rassenfosse

Professor, EPFL

Amir Zamir

Professor, EPFL

AMLD / Global partners