Track / Overview

This track covers the most relevant applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to clean energy generation, transportation, delivery, and storage.

In addition, it wants to foster dialog about more hidden challenges in the field. For instance, the issue of preserving privacy while collecting valuable data to improve the efficiency of individual energy habits.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Energy Forecasting: prediction of wind, solar, and hydro generation, prediction of different segments of demand (e.g., electric vehicles, electrification of heating, etc.).
  • Energy Infrastructure & Devices: predictive maintenance and fault detection for turbines and photovoltaic panels, optimal location for renewable plants, data-driven control of batteries and smart grids, etc.
  • Energy Saving: automated advisory systems for end users, optimization of energy usage in plants, smart buildings, etc.

Track / Schedule


With Emanuele Fabbiani

Recent Advances in Electricity Price Forecasting: A 2022 Perspective

With Rafał Weron

How can AI (and ML) make Utility-Scale Batteries more Cybersecure?

With Nina Kharlamova

Photovoltaic Power Generation Nowcasting: Cloud Type Classification Forecast through Satellite Data and Imagery

With Emanuele Giovanni Carlo Ogliari

An Interpretable Probabilistic Model for Short-Term Solar Power Forecasting using Natural Gradient Boosting

With Georgios Mitrentsis

Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Networks for Multi-Site PV Power Forecasting

With Jelena Simeunović

Panel Discussion: PV Forecasting

With Jelena Simeunović, Georgios Mitrentsis, Emanuele Giovanni Carlo Ogliari & Emanuele Fabbiani


Advanced Cable & Asset Analytics

With Josef Kamleitner

ML as a Foundation for Pay-as-you-Save Models for Buildings’ Energy Efficiency

With Max Carrel

How we Built a Global Electricity Data Platform for Real-Time Grid Emissions and Forecasting

With Pierre Segonne

Panel Discussion: AI & Sustainable Energy in Startups

With Pierre Segonne, Max Carrel & Emanuele Fabbiani

Real-Time Distribution System State Estimation with Asynchronous Measurements

With Guido Cavraro

The Advanced Analytics Development and Dissamination in an Italian Life Company

With Alice Guerini

Powering the Energy Transition with Data and AI

With Mihir Sarkar


With Emanuele Fabbiani

Track / Speakers

Emanuele Fabbiani

Head of Data Science @ xtream

Max Carrel

Head of Technology, E-nno Switzerland

Emanuele Giovanni Carlo Ogliari

Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Milano

Nina Kharlamova

Ph.D. Candidate, DTU

Georgios Mitrentsis

PhD Candidate, University of Stuttgart

Rafał Weron

Professor, Wrocław Tech

Josef Kamleitner

Senior Data Scientist, Siemens Advanta Solutions

Jelena Simeunović

PhD Student, CSEM & EPFL

Pierre Segonne

Data scientist, electricityMap

Alice Guerini

Head of Data Science, A2A Spa

Mihir Sarkar

Chief Data Officer, ENGIE

Guido Cavraro

Senior Researcher, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Track / Co-organizers

Emanuele Fabbiani

Head of Data Science @ xtream

Gabriele Orlandi

Data Scientist, xtream

Gabriele Mazzola

Co-founder & Data scientist, xtream

Marta Peroni

Data Scientist, xtream

Braulio Barahona


Philipp Schütz

Professor, HSLU

AMLD EPFL 2022 / Tracks & talks

AMLD Keynote Session – Monday morning

Marcel Salathé, Lenka Zdeborová, Carmela Troncoso, Chiara Enderle, Patrick Barbey, Thomas Wolf, Gunther Jansen, Laure Willemin, Simon Hefti, Arthur Gassner

10:00-12:00 March 28Auditorium A

AI & Physics

Francesca Mignacco, Gert-Jan Both, Michael Unser, Thomas Asikis, Dalila Salamani, Pietro Rotondo, Tom Beucler, Giulio Biroli

12:30-18:00 March 285BC

AI & Pharma

Asif Jan, Jonas Richiardi, Patrick Schwab, Naghmeh Ghazaleh, Alexander Büsser, Carlos Ciller, Caibin Sheng, Silvia Zaoli, Félix Balazard, Giulia Capestro, Marianna Rapsomaniki, Martijn van Attekum

13:30-17:30 March 281BC

AMLD / Global partners